FCDL Comment:
DR1:The FCC Form 470 that established the competitive bidding process for this FRN did not include service of this type (Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections; therefore, it does not meet the competitive bidding requirements and will be denied.||MR1:The amount of the funding request was changed from $35,340.00 to $26,505.00 to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s): PAN-SVC-PREM-5250-R (75% eligible).||MR2:The amount of the funding request was changed from $179,820.00 to $35,340.00 to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s): PAN-PA-5250-TP-HA2-R, PAN-PA-5250-WF-HA2-R, PAN-PA-5250-URL4-HA2, PAN-PA-5250-GP-HA2-R, and PAN-PA-5250-DNS-HA2-R which are all 0% eligible.