FCDL Comment:
DR1:Applicants are required to conduct a fair and open competitive bid process. Applicants are also prohibited from including the manufacturer’s name or brand on their FCC Form 470 or in the requests for proposals (RFPs) without including the words “or equivalent” to describe the requested service or product. During the review, it was determined that the applicant included the manufacturer’s or brand name for the requested products or services without including “or equivalent.” Specifically, the applicant included Juniper, Aruba and Cisco on the cited FCC Form 470 (or in the RFP). Therefore, this FRN is denied.||MR1: Midtown Academy (17014873) has been added to the FRN as a recipients of service at the request of the applicant.||MR2:The FRN was modified from $1,922,731.07 to $1,953,750.88 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:Based on the applicant’s request, the One-time Eligible Cost of the FRN’s Product and Service Detail was changed from $1,953,750.88 to $1,916,771.62.