FCDL Comment:
DR1:The funding requests number (FRN) is being denied because Brevard County School District (Brevard) failed to comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules for the E-rate Program that require applicants to comply with FCC competitive bidding rules and any applicable state or local competitive bidding requirements. Specifically, on November 18, 2016, the District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida Fifth District ruled as part of Case No. 5D15-349 that the underlying competitive bidding process that was used to award contract to AT&T Corporation for this FRN did not comply with Florida state competitive bidding requirements. The Court also ordered Brevard to accept the Administrative Law Judge’s recommendations and rebid this contract in compliance with Florida competitive bidding requirements. As a result of Brevard’s failure to comply with state competitive bidding requirements which is required by the FCC rules for the E-rate Program, this FRN is being denied. ||MR1:The FRN was modified from $117,504.00 to $9,792.00 to agree with the applicant documentation.