FCDL Comment:
MR1:The FRN was modified from $8,293.00 monthly to $8,125.00 monthly to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:The FRN Narrative was modified for your FY 2020 Second Window COVID application to include the following: prior FCC Form 471 application number and FRN.||MR3:The funding request was modified for your FY 2020 Second Window COVID application to remove 35600 - ANNETTE P EDWINS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL since it was not requested/approved as a Recipient of Service in FCC Form 471 201037821 FRN 2099069546. As a result, the recurring charges were modified from $8,125.00 to $7,475.00. ||MR4:The funding request was modified for your FY 2020 Second Window COVID application due to the FCC Form 471 201037821, FRN 2099069546 being fully invoiced. As a result, the Second Window FRN monthly charges were modified from $7,475.00 to $1,654.00.