FCDL Comment:
DR1:FCC rules require that, in order to determine the most cost effective provider, that the price of the eligible products and services must be weighted the most heavily in your bid evaluation. You included the value of ineligible products and services in your price factor. Other cost factors can be included in your bid evaluation, but these factors cannot have a weighting equal to or more than the cost of the eligible products and services. Since the price of the eligible products and services alone was not weighted the greatest, you violated the competitive bidding program rules.||MR1:The FRN was modified from $1,336,494.37 to $1,266,999.37 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:The FRN was modified from $1,266,997.37 to $1,044,049.13 to remove the following ineligible products; CON-ECMU-C1FC3651 24 PORT, CON-ECMU-C1FC3652 48 PORT, CON-ECMU-C1FA4500X, CON-SNT-45X16SFP, CON-SNT-3648FSK9, CON-ECMU-C1AAPCAT4, and C1FAPCAT4500X.||MR3:The Recipients of Service of Highbanks Learning Center#160663694 for FRN Line Item 1 and 9 was removed to agree with the applicant documentation.