FCDL Comment:
MR1:The amount of the funding request was changed from $96,094.56; $61,930.50; $127,760.85; $553,670.26; $73,988.00; $532,998.45 to $18,280.26; $54,060.00; $111,967.80; $485,414.28; $73,988.00; $398,412.90; $1,933.44; $7,870.50; $15,793.05; $68,255.98; $134,585.55 to remove the ineligible product(s) or services: C1-CISCO4431/K9 - $26,584.80; C1AUPISR4400SK9 - $9,667.20; CON-ECMU-C1A4400S - $10,646.64; CON-ECMU-FLCUBE5E - $7,962.78; NIM-1MFT-T1/E1 - $3,456.00; CON-SNTP-C14431K9 (51% eligible) - $17,563.44.||MR2:The Line Items were modified from 1 Line Item to 11 Line Items to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:The funding request amount was reduced from $1,370,562.00 to $1,363,720.00 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity(ies): 34775 - HILLIARD MIDDLE/SENIOR SCHOOL, 34739 - BRYCEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, and 34761 - EMMA LOVE HARDEE ELEM SCHOOL.