FCDL Comment:
MR1:The FRN was modified from a monthly charge of $1,048.53 to a monthly charge of $1,842.23 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR2:The amount of the funding request was changed from a monthly charge of $1,842.23 to a monthly charge of $453.36 to remove the ineligible service(s): AC Business SharePlan 200 for $40, Data Package/2GB for $168, 300 Messages for $9, Data Pkg CORP Email/2GB for $36, 1000 Message Allowance for $10, TXT Messaging Unlimited for $15, Messaging for $1.25, Data for $470, America's Choice SharePlan 400 for $24, 250 Message Allowance for $5, American Ch 400 SHR Email&Data for $180.60, America Ch 1000 SHR Email&Data for $24.18, 4G Smartphone Hotspot for $10, Mobile Broadband 5GB Share for $50.02, Equipment for $199.99, America's Choice SharePlan 600 for $8, Mobile Broadband Unlimited for $114.03 and America Ch 200 SHR Email&Data for $23.80.