FCDL Comment:
The amount of the funding request was changed from non-recurring charge of $3,020,603.78 to non-recurring charge of $2,995,563.56 to remove: the ineligible products: $938.66, Ineligible use of SU1500RTXL2U, $5,508.92, Ineligible use of SU3000RTXL2U, $912.83 Ineligible use of SU2200RTXL2UA, $389.11, Ineligible usage BP48V24-2U, $1,439.12, Ineligible use of BP72V15-2U, $4,796.47, partially eligible C2911-CME-SRST/K9 router, $2,013.74, partially eligible C2921-CME-SRST/K9 router, $4,434.76 FL-CME-SRST-25, $2,913.94, FL-CME-SRST-5, and $1,692.68, related sales taxes for the products.