FCDL Comment:
In response to a denial notification for this FRN, you requested to cancel the FRN. While we acknowledge the cancellation request, the FRN is being denied because documentation provided during the review shows the vendor selection documentation was created after the winning bidder was determined. During the review you provided board minutes dated February 18, 2014, which approved your selected vendor, SchoolWebmasters. The board minutes contained a motion to approve n agreement with School Webmasters to provide website management and was unanimously approved by the Board, however, this date is prior to the actual bid received date and vendor evaluation. The bid from SchoolWebMasters was dated March 3, 2014 and the actual vendor evaluation was dated March 11, 2014. The vendor evaluation should be completed and documented prior to the vendor selection and/or determining the winning bidder to award the contract, therefore, your FRN is being denied.