FCDL Comment:
MR1:The funding request amount was reduced from $1,124,737.29 to $942,496.74 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entities: BEN FRANKLIN MIDDLE SCHOOL-15480, THOMAS A EDISON ELEMENTARY SCH-15278, KENMORE EAST SR HIGH SCHOOL-15279, CHARLES LINBERGH ELEM SCHOOL- 15472, HERBERT HOOVER ELEM SCHOOL-15474, HERBERT HOOVER MIDDLE SCHOOL-15475, KENMORE WEST SR HIGH SCHOOL-15476, BEN FRANKLIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-15479.||MR2:Based on the applicants request, 15480 BEN FRANKLIN MIDDLE SCHOOL has been removed from the Recipients of Service on the FRNs Product and Service Details and the One-time Eligible Cost of the funding request was changed from $44,698.50 to $0.00 entity's Category Two Cost-Allocation was not re-allocated to any remaining entities.