FCDL Comment:
MR1:Based on the applicant's request, the One-time Eligible Cost of the FRN's Product and Service Detail was changed from $2,693,250.00 to $2,691,360.00.||MR2:In consultation with the applicant, BEN 17016869 - SCHOOL # 008 has been removed from FRN 2099059592 Line Item Number (s) .004.||MR3:In consultation with the applicant, BEN BEN 17016881 SCHOOL #171, WEB, KENSINGTON PREP @#213 has been removed from FRN 2099059592 Line Item Number (s) .004.||MR4:In consultation with the applicant, BEN BEN 17023892 - PS #236 New Middle Early College School #335-415 has been removed from FRN 2099059592 Line Item Number (s) .004.||MR5:In consultation with the applicant, 15324 School #205, Riverside Institute Of Technology has been removed from FRN 2099059592 Line Item Number (s) .004.||MR6:The funding request amount was reduced from $2,573,550.00 to 2,559,690.00 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity(ies): BEN 203588 Adult #046, Adult Learning Center and BEN 15356 School #048, Martin Luther King JR.||MR7:The funding request amount was reduced from $2,691,360.00 to $2,573,550.00 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity(ies): 15309 School #032, Bennett Park Montessori School; 15328 School #065, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center; 15330 School #094, West Hertel Academy; 15336 School #074, Hamlin Park Claude & Ouida Clapp Academy; 15342 School #192, Buffalo Academy for Visual & Performing Arts; 15343 School #033, Bilingual Center; 15376 School #198, The International Preparatory School; 15390 School #301, Burgard High School; 15391 School #089, Dr. Lydia T. Wright School of Excellence; 15392 School #080, Highgate Heights Elementary; 15401 School #082, Early Childhood Center #82; 15405 School #066, North Park Middle Academy; 202301 School #099. Stanley M Makowski Early Childhood Center.