FCDL Comment:
MR1:The amount of the funding request was changed from $11,544.90/month to $8,961.12/month to remove the ineligible products; CP-VA-25K, LIC-CP-GM-500, LIC-CP-OB-2500, LIC-RFP-2048, LIC-RFP-512, LIC-PEFNG-2048, LIC-PEFNG-512, and AW-2500.||MR2:Based on the applicant’s request, the Monthly Recurring Eligible Cost of the FRN’s Item 21 was changed from $8,961.12/month to $8,656.27/month.||MR3:Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections FRN was modified from non-recurring charges to recurring charges as required by FCC Rules.