FCDL Comment:
MR1:The One Time Recurring Charge for FRN Line Item .001 was modified from $5,376.00 OTC to $5,286.00 OTC.to agree with the applicant documentation. ||MR2:The One Time Recurring Charge for FRN Line Item .032 was modified from $6,779.78 OTC to $615.82 OTC to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:The One Time Recurring Charge for FRN Line Item .033 was modified from $179.20 OTC to $176.20 OTC to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR4:The One Time Recurring Charge for FRN Line Item .025 was modified from $4,054.50 OTC to $0.00 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR5:The One Time Recurring Charge for FRN Line Item .026 was modified from $3,468.85 OTC to $0.00 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR6:The One Time Recurring Charge for FRN Line Item .027 was modified from $2,838.15 OTC to $0.00 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR7:The amount of the funding request was changed from $5,376.00; $9,713.34; $13,876.20; $11,871.86; $2,182.95; $3,118.50; $2,668.05; $14,184.10; $1,723.80; $1,850.00; $3,612.10; $88.10; $2,438.16; $310.56; $1,148.37; $27,000.55; $28,976.20; $4,609.85; $1,408.62; $18,364.44; $6,779.78; $179.20 to $5,286.00; $6,702.57; $9,575.10; $8,192.03; $1,964.34; $2,807.10; $2,401.63; $14,184.10; $1,723.80; $1,850.00; $3,612.10; $88.10; $2,438.16; $310.56; $1,148.37; $27,000.55; $28,976.20; $4,609.85; $1,155.09; $1,408.62; $18,364.44; $615.82; $176.20 to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s).||MR8:The funding request amount was reduced from $36,220.250 to $33,586.05 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity(ies): 14372-ELBRIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.