FCDL Comment:
MR1:The FRN Narrative was modified for your FY 2020 Second Window COVID application to include the following: “FY 2020 Second Window COVID”, 471#201012778, FRN_2099016799.||MR2:The Contract Award Date was changed from 3/18/2018 to 8/20/2020 to agree with the documentation provided during the review of the FCC Form 471.||MR3:The funding request was modified for your FY 2020 Second Window COVID application because the price per megabit requested was greater than what was requested/approved in FCC Form 471 201012778, FRN 2099016799 in accordance with the FCC directive in Order DA 20-1091. The recurring charges requested were modified from $1,050.00 per month to 650.00 per month.