FCDL Comment:
MR1:The entity Barber Elementary School - 9704 has closed as a school site and was removed from the application. The location has converted into a Non-Instructional Facility. The funding request was modified from $213,610.00; $25,581.13; $35,667.50; $4,284.61; $23,970.00; $6,965.00; $1,900.00 to $178,008.06; $21,317.54; $29,722.88; $3,570.49; $19,974.96; $5,804.12; $1,583.08 to remove the cost associated with the closed school site.||MR2:The FRN was modified from $311,978.24 to $288,602.70 to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR3:FRN Line Item 8 for 3 lines of cabling service was added to this FRN to agree with the applicant documentation.||MR4:The funding request amount was reduced from $213,610.00; $25,581.13; $35,667.50; $4,284.61; $23,970.00; $6,965.00; $1,900.00; $N/A to $145,880.00; $17,470.04; $32,425.00; $3,895.10; $19,975.00; $4,975.00; $1,550.00; $461.25 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entity(ies): PHILLIPSBURG EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER - 9712 and PHILLIPSBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL - 9705