FCDL Comment:
MR1:Bruce St. School, Millet Street School @ Spencer, Newark Innovation Academy, Newark Leadership Academy, Newark Early College HS, Eagle Academy for Young Men, and Barringer Academy of S.T.E.A.M. have been removed from the FRN as a recipients of service at the request of the applicant.||MR2:FRN Line Item # 2099038787.001 was for both UPS Battery Backup and Installation and was split to agree with the applicant documentation. The new FRN Line Item # for Installation is 2099038787.001 for the amount of $12,000.00. The product or service remaining in the original FRN Line Item # is UPS for the amount of $51,780.00.||MR3:The amount of the funding request was changed from $88,992.00 to $63,780.00 to remove Network Management Cards: Ineligible product or service.||MR4:The funding request amount was reduced from $63,780.00 to $50,054.00 to remove the amount that exceeded the Category Two budget set for the following entities: Fourteenth Avenue School 7090 and Branch Brook School 7109.