FCDL Comment:
MR1:Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections FRN 2199021126.006 was modified from non-recurring charges to recurring charges as required by FCC Rules.||MR2:The amount of the funding request was changed from $83,600.36 to $24,519.64 to remove the ineligible product(s) or service(s): PAN-PA-3220-DNS-3YR-HA2 0% eligible,PAN-PA-3220-TP-3YR-HA2 0% eligible,PAN-PA-3220-URL4-3YR-HA2 0% eligible,PAN-PA-3220-WF-3YR-HA2 0% eligible,PAN-SVC-PREM-3220-3YR 25% ineligible, IP-PRO-CORE 71% ineligible